
Getting help

Lots of commands provide basic infomation about what arguments they take if you pass --help to them.

Shell Expansions

$ echo {1..5}
1 2 3 4 5

$ echo test_{1..5}
test_1 test_2 test_3 test_4 test_5

$ echo test_{1..5}_{1..5}
test_1_1 test_1_2 test_1_3 test_1_4 test_1_5 test_1_6 test_2_1 test_2_2 test_2_3 test_2_4 test_2_5 test_2_6 test_3_1 test_3_2 test_3_3 test_3_4 test_3_5 test_3_6 test_4_1 test_4_2 test_4_3 test_4_4 test_4_5 test_4_6 test_5_1 test_5_2 test_5_3 test_5_4 test_5_5 test_5_6